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Working in Lagos

Have you ever imagine to manage such a point of sale?

Working in lagos

Project Scope: creating a merchandising solution

Deliver: One tool kit

Audience: Sales force

Project working period: two years

Assign by: Multinational FMCG company



The concept (brief) was to create an integral merchandising tool used by sales force, based on the open market of Lagos/ Nigeria that equals to 60% of total market sales leaving the remaining 40% to the organised market. 


Open market in Lagos could be described as many a small unorganised sales points appearing in groups or stand alone around the city. 

Anyone in Nigeria may create such a point either by converting the front part of his house or by setting up a table on the street.

Surprising enough the case we encountered walking by a security kiosk when the security guy full in uniform projected right in the front a table with various products for sale! 


Although such sales points seem, quite messy and disorganised the fact is that both sellers and shoppers are highly versatile with the whole shopping process, they actually feel at home!



This local shopping culture redeemed to be the most difficult part of our job as it was exactly what we had to respect in our proposal.

Along with the key word of “simplicity” we achieved the success!!


“in simplicity we trust” John Maeda

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Explore the case study

The open market: Market visit

The open market

steps that we followed

Steps that we followed

Skype calls and information gathering before we spend a month in Lagos

Visiting Lagos 

Spend almost 3 weeks to market visits 

Part of the trip was to get to know the Nigerian culture


Meetings with company and strategy sharing

"Mapping" the open market in a piece of paper

Start to working on a merchandising tool


Rework on comments and details


mapping the open market

Mapping the open market

Actually we spend days to find a way how to organize and mapping the disorganized market of Lagos!!!

Finally a clue comes .. and we start to build on the word "simplicity.

After 3 days we end up with a table that includes everything and as crossing rows and collum you will find any type of point sale 

examples of point sales types: Just in front / Just in front and table / table and shelf/ just out/ out and inside etc.

Define project FINAL.jpg

Set the merchandising tool

Set the merchandising tool

As we finish with  open market mapping we cooperate with an official designer to create sketches / type of point of sale.

find examples below:

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 16.23.45.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 16.24.14.png

Then using the sketches 

and we start 

to build our merchandising standards/ type of sales point and category 

find an example below:

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 16.29.39.png

using colors to present 

categories and brands

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 16.30.15.png

then we applied the

proposed planogram

merchandising rules 

included also

find an example below:

Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at 11.50.19.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-05 at 11.50.59.png




Project can easily be described as disruptive and exiting.

Full of passion and enthusiasm 

The feedback we get was that:

"Many of the principles we set out during the project have already been implemented across the sales team and are clearly helping in ‘aligning the way we standardise our merchandising’ across the organisation strongly supporting our ability to ‘win at retail’. (from marketing director of the company")

Many thanks to all the people that we working together and especially for their welcoming.


.... feel already nostalgic ...


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